Their are so many subjects on which the world is divided. You are walking down a street and you see a homeless person. At that very moment what are you thinking. The average person's perception of this being, would be that this person is poor and doesn't want to do anything about it. Now you are walking in a wealthy neighborhood and you see a rich person. You think that this person was born into their money, or doesn't deserve it. The world now has this renowned way of thinking,

In the picture u, the artist wants you to see that money buys you anything. Based on this she would be hated for what she has, and that is how the world teaches people.
In the end people only see what they want to see. Everyone is judged acording to what is in the open. Work, determination, preserverance, and sorrow is not counted. No one wants to be reminded of the situation they are in, and hate people who aren't in it.
I agree with your conclusion: “people are going to see what they want to see.” It is wrong that people are judged over superficial things. Assuming a rich person is only wealthy because they were lucky or, didn’t work hard to get their wealth is wrong. Take, for example, Mark Zuckerburg; if people judged him, not for what he created (Facebook) but, solely for the billions he has, how wrong they would be. The opposite, for the homeless being lazy for example, is also true. You have no idea the circumstances or hardships a homeless person has gone through or endured.
ReplyDeleteMy philosophy is to stay positive to get positive results. And give everyone equal opportunity to know them as who they are, as opposed to, what they are.
in my opinion, when judging people base on their wealthiness, I would try to understand how they got into their current position. A rich person that tried hard in the past to get what he has should be more respected than a poor man who did nothing and is jealous others who tried harder than him and vice versa.
ReplyDeleteI really agree with you about everything you mentions. money dont make people happy . money give people power. and when you have power you become selfish and mean to your friends and your family. and sometimes we forget where we come from. the poor man might like whats hes doing , you never know. the poor man might have 80% 0f people who might like him because hes helping other people and also his family. and the other 20% of people who doesnt like him its because hes poor. the rich might have 20% of people who might like him and the 80% of people who like him its because of his money. because hes doesnt show is true personality because of his power he have to be mean with other people.
ReplyDeletesometimes we forget who we really are because we only thinking about how other people seen us and think about us. and everything we are going to do its to make other people happy not to make ourself happy.
ReplyDeleteI do agree that as citizen we judge a person without even knowing we did so. The reason behind that is because; if that person is not like you that give you a reason not to like this person. Meaning if he or she did not live or grow up like you they are different. However, what we as people need to realize is that everyone can’t be rich some people will have to struggle and some will become rich through struggling but, not at all does it mean you can’t become wealthy. If you work hard and set goals like some rich people you will see how they became successful not by just judging those under them but by helping others and bettering yourself along the way. Good Post!!
ReplyDeleteI think that this article is holds truth to the idea that people quickly place judgment on others based on the statuses that they hold in life. When I see a poor person roaming the streets I automatically assume that they’ve landed themselves there. For a second it doesn’t cross my mind that they were possibly forced into that situation. Also if I saw a rich and wealthy person I would think that they never had to work a day in their lives. The image of that particular person working hard to achieve big would never cross my mind. This article really touched on how I feel as an individual. The perception that poor people deserve their condition and wealthy people don’t should be lost, because it is unnecessary and non productive. People should focus their thoughts on things that do matter, on things that could possibly make a difference.
ReplyDeletei agree. money doesn't buy happiness, at least make anyone satisfaction and power. Another point of view the person who work in job, last day of the week he/she get the checks or cash makes them happy because they earned it through the hard work. Well poor people not always poor. No one born with poor or rich, the environment were force people live in poverty and rich. Any poor person can get rich if he/she force to change, but it will be hard. The true thing about poor people always happy, because they do not have to worry about anything, because no one care about them and they do not have anything to lost. In another side rich people have to worry because they want to keep their reputation and status front of other people. Because of this they work so hard...
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you are saying about the picture. The skinny man will be happy knowing that he work hard to get where he is now and not from his family. The richer man might not have to work as hard to get where he is now because his family is rich. It might seem like a greater achievement if you didn’t rely on your family’s wealth to become wealthy.
ReplyDeleteIt's extremely easy for us to judge others by their financial situation in comparison to our own. Most of us don't intend to, but it's something that takes over, especially in times of need. As a lower middle class individual making very little money while attending school, when money is tight it is very easy to be bitter towards those who are in a more comfortable financial state. Do I mean to become bitter? Absolutely not. It's just something that happens inside of us sometimes.
ReplyDeleteYou can't judge someone's situation without knowing the facts. Everyone's life is unique and also are their circumstances. The best we can do is to just be happy with what we have and make the most of it all. Judging one another creates nothing but resentment and tension, when we could be creating bonds and happiness.
I do not agree with your statement, "this person was born into their money, or doesn't deserve it." That's a very unfair stereotype of people living in wealthy neighborhoods. There are plenty of wealthy people that honestly earn everything they own. My father was born into a poor military family, but he is doing very well now since graduating college and working his way up the ladder at Lockheed Martin. I lived in the suburbs with him and my step-mom for a couple years after I graduated from high school in 2003. People often accuse me of being a "spoiled rich kid." I always feel the need to defend myself by saying he never bought or gave me anything, and he always made sure that I earn everything 100% myself because you get a great sense of pride when you own something that you worked hard for. When I bought my first car it was the oldest, most awful looking car in his neighborhood. I'll never forget driving home for the first time watching people stare as I pulled up in the driveway. I'm sure they were wondering what I was doing in such a nice neighborhood. But my dad was so proud that day he nearly cried because he knew I was working fifty hours per week at a minimum wage job that summer. I named that car Agnes.
ReplyDeleteI somewhat agree with what you are saying about the picture that poor people have to work hard to become rich, and rich people, it’s just passed down to them. That is not always true that rich people are happy when they get wealthy from their family’s wealth but, most of the time they are. Same goes for the poor people, they might not be happy at the end when they are wealthy because they had to work all the time to get where they are now.
ReplyDeleteI liked reading Deborah’s blog on World Class Division because it made me think a lot about how I view poor and rich people. When I see a homeless person, part of me feels bad because they are just unlucky and were born into homelessness. And then another part of me thinks they could just be lazy or cursed for being bad in their past. Sometime I don’t feel like giving money to homeless people because I think they going to buy drugs. When I see rich people part of me feels jealous of their luck, but I also think some rich people worked hard to get rich, like a lot of athletes. I also sometimes get angry at my parents because they didn’t provide for me and didn’t prepare me for life.