Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas vs Xmas

By: Aleshia Satterthwaite

With Christmas approaching many people have begun shopping and preparing for the wonderful day. The toy stores are busy with frustrated parents trying to find that must have toy. As the department stores become crowded, shoppers will become ruder as the day draws near. Credit cards are being max out by people who will later regret how they spent and will complain about interest rates.  Some people are actually dreading Christmas, because they believe the holidays are stressful and overwhelming.  It appears Christmas has become a commercial holiday. Society looks at it as a way to stimulate the economy. Society has taken the Christ out of Christmas. What is the true meaning of Christmas?



Do not let Christmas become a hassle.   Christmas is a holy day celebrated by Christian around the world. We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Jesus is the ultimate Gift given by God to a virgin named Mary.
Some have taken the Christ out of Christmas, by writing or speaking Xmas. Do not take the Christ out of Christmas. Instead, celebrate Christmas by smiling at someone. Feeding someone that is hungry. Provide shelter for someone that sleeps under the stars. Christmas is a season of giving.


  1. You make a good point that people tend to forget what Christmas (and many other holidays) is really about and get caught up in the commerical aspects of it. I like your idea of doing something to help the less fortunate. These good deeds can be contagious and inspire other acts of kindness.

  2. I agree, that toys and material things have become more important then people realizing the true meaning of Christmas. Instead of all the movies on Christmas and how Jesus was the savior and how he was born. There are stories about Santa and how being good gets you presents. It shouldn't be about that. It should be about how Jesus came into this world and what he has truly done, for those who are Christian and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas used to be about family and how one act of kindness can change some people's thought but instead it turn into people kicking and knocking each other over just for a doll or game.

  3. I agree also, I feel that it is getting away from the point. I think that it became about santa to make the idea more accepted by all. I know a few people that really stress around this time and instead of good deeds crime begings to increase. I think that media plays a major part and I only feel that in will get worse in the future.

  4. Christmas has become a season of the economy and not about Jesus. Most people's agenda is whats on sell so they can get a good deal on gifts; instead of thinking about giving to those that don't have much. I agree with what you are saying. Well put!

  5. I agree with what everyone is saying, people are really forgetting what they true meaning of Christmas truly is. They have turned it into that time of year that people should be stressing about what they are going to get others, rather than celebrating the birth of Jesus.

  6. I also agree with you. Christmas is about giving, but people are takingthe "giving" part out of porportion. I believe that Christmas should be about Love, Family, and celebrating the birth of Jesus. The people who are not Christians just took the whole idea and made it something that they want it to be.

  7. To say that we have taken the joy out of christmas would be an understatement. Hopefully we as adults all know what the true meaning of Christmas is, and yes it is taken completely out of context. I am guilty as charged as I charge my credit cards time and time again, sometimes in one day on Christmas gifts just to show the ones I love how much I love them..... hmmmmm. After filling the tree with gifts for family and friends I somehow feel the need to go out on Christmas Eve, get lost in the crowd of desperate last minute shoppers and find even more needless presents to buy. But how oh how do I begin to stop this madness.
