Friday, May 20, 2011

Cultural Symbols.

 By: Gabrielle Cecala 

To the mind of a human, symbols are cultural delineations of reality. Every culture has its own set of symbols related with different happenings and views. Culture is more than art ; it frames our lives.  Culture affects our behavior, mindset and attitude. Culture is shared among a group of people. Older members of a group or culture try to pass down the meaning to the younger members. We accredit symbols as visible, physical appearances of  a group and hints of cultural and religious life. Symbols are important connotations in a culture; connotations that are defined by cultural and social assemblies and communication.  Symbols are taken in through sight, sound, touch, and smell. Symbols are strong indicators of a certain ethnic group that are not easily changed. Symbols stand for specific things. Everything in the symbol plays a part in the culture or ethnic background of a person. The symbols shown below are constructed of the concrete settings of a group and and stands for the actuality, meaning and beliefs that people have in and about the symbol in the essence of the culture.

  • A few common cultural symbols that you may see pretty often are : 

Common Cultural Symbols.


  1. Darnetta O. MatthewsMay 20, 2011 at 12:04 PM

    Very good blog! As I sit here and look at the symbols I realize how many of them I see on a day-to-day basis, and how I disassociate the real meanings behind them not purposely, however, done all the same. These symbols really are important to different cultures and I think that this has helped me to put some things in to perspective.

  2. Gabrielle Cecala.May 20, 2011 at 3:47 PM

    i'm glad that you liked it and that it stood out. Many people see these signs day to day subliminally, but never understand what they really are.
