Thursday, June 9, 2011

What is Upper Class?

By: Jian-Hian Chen
What is upper class? Upper class is the wealthiest 1% of people in the world. Anyone with an income of one million and more are classified as an upper class. There are two types of upper classes the upper-upper class (old rich) and the lower-upper class (new rich). The upper-upper class means that they have been rich for generations for example, the Rockefeller’s family, the Rothschild’s family, Hilton’s family, Kennedy’s family, Walton’s family, and so on. The lower-upper class means that they are recently rich for instance, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Johnny Depp, Sandra Bullock, and so on. People with high occupational prestige jobs can also be classified as an upper class for instance, Doctors, lawyers, CEOs, and Athletes.
This is a picture of Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft. Gates came from an upper-middle class family. In 1973 he graduated from Lakeside School and scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT and enrolled in Harvard College. In his junior year at Harvard College he left to start his own computer software company which is now known as Microsoft a billion dollar in company. Bill Gates is one of the youngest self-made billionaire at the age of 31 when he releases Windows 3.0 and Microsoft. Gates is now in the upper-upper class.
This is a video of the richest people in history include people that are upper-upper class and people that are lower-upper class.  

In conclusion, there are two types of upper classes the upper-upper class and the lower-upper class. The upper classes are the wealthiest 1% of the world population. People with high occupational prestige jobs can also be classified as an upper class. So, we all need to get a good education, if we want to make it in that 1% which is almost impossible but, we can try.   


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